Celery juice has become an overwhelmingly popular juicing trend thanks to the viral sensation of #celeryjuice via Anthony William the Medical Medium and the release of his book.
This seemingly simple ingredient has been tied to claims of curing all sorts of ailments and can refresh and revitalise without any special preparation. Just wash it, juice or blend it and drink it!

But is celery juice all it’s cracked up to be?
How Popular is Celery Juice
A quick look at Google trends will show just how many people are searching for the benefits of celery juice and you can see the trend coincides with the release of “Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide”

A number of famous celebrities whom follow Anthony helped propel #celeryjuicechallenge, #celeryjuicediet and other related hashtags into the spotlight.
Prior to 2019 searches for celery juice were comparitively non-existent (7-8k monthly searches) but come January 2019 there were over 450k monthly searches worldwide (of which 31k came from the UK) for this juice with supposedly miraculous healing abilities.

Gwyneth Paltrow and her Goop fanbase are big fans of holistic and spiritual healing and while we at Juiceland UK believe juicing has its benefits, it’s counter productive and charlatan to make sweeping statements like:
When celery is juiced, the pulp (fiber) is removed, I believe its healing benefits become much more powerful, especially for someone with chronic illness…
Anthony William
The problem with juicing fruits and vegetables is that you’re removing valuable dietary fibre and adding “free sugars” in its place.
So it’s somewhat contradictory to claim removing fibre from fruits and vegetables is beneficial as diets that are high in fibre (30g+ is the recommended daily intake) are linked to a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke and high blood pressure.
Celery juice absolutely does have its benefits and when used as part of a meal replacement juice or smoothie it can help you reduce your calorie intake, aid in weight loss and not forgetting it contains valuable minerals, amongst other things.
But can celery juice cure cancer? And is it a viable treatment for eczema, psoriasis and a number of other ailments?
Let’s dive deeper into the celery craze and find out what benefits celery juice has for your body.
The Benefits of Celery
Can Celery Cure Cancer?
Let’s start with the most controversial claim that health gurus are peddling and that is whether celery juice can cure cancer.

Celery contains an array of valuable vitamins, minerals and flavonoids. The claim that celery offers cancer curing benefits is centered primarily around two of the flavonoids present in this crunchy green vegetable.
These flavonoids are called Luteolin and the other Apigenin.
Luteolin and Apigenin have anti-inflammatory properties as well as antioxidant properties which can contribute to better health and help individuals who suffer from:
- Poor cardiovascular strength
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Arthritis
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Ezcema
- Acne
Luteolin has been shown to induce apoptosis [1] (the death of) and inhibit growth of cancer cells and can be beneficial for the treatment of prostate cancer.
While apeginin has been shown to inhibit and contribute towards the apoptosis of cancer cells in the mammary glands within mice and humans. [2]
These tests were done in a controlled environment on mice and BC cancer cells.
There’s limited data on the clinical application of these flavonoids and it’s hard to tell whether consumption of Luteolin has the same affect on humans en-masse, but the results exhibited thus-far have been positive.
Celery also contains the phytochemical coumarin. Coumarins have exhibited anticancer activity against various types of cancer such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer, bladder cancer, leukaemia etc. [3]
So we would recommend celery juice be used in combination with other cancer treatments, but it should not be seen as a substitute or cure all and anyone telling you otherwise is a quack.
The Nutritional Value of Celery
A 455g serving of celery contains 148.5% of your recommended intake of vitamin K (kale and Swiss chard meanwhile have 1365% of your RDA).

When eaten whole, celery provides 1.4g of fibre per 100g. When juiced however you’re missing 6.4g of important dietary fibre (455g).
Of course not many of us will happily sit down and eat a whole celery bunch in one sitting.
So what exactly is in celery that makes it so good for us?
Celery, Juiced 455g (16oz) Calories: 72 | ||
Nutrient | Amount | RDA (%) |
vitamin K | 133.16 mcg | 148.5 |
molybdenum | 22.98 mcg | 50 |
folate | 165.44 mcg | 40.95 |
potassium | 1194.83 mg | 27.3 |
pantothenic acid | 1.14 mg | 22.75 |
fibre | nil | 0 |
vitamin B2 | 0.28 mg | 22.75 |
copper | 0.18 mg | 18.2 |
manganese | 0.45 mg | 18.2 |
vitamin C | 14.24 mg | 18.2 |
vitamin B6 | 0.31 mg | 18.2 |
calcium | 183.82 mg | 18.2 |
phosphorus | 110.29 mg | 13.65 |
magnesium | 50.56 mg | 13.65 |
vitamin A | 103.15 mcg RAE | 13.65 |
Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients in Celery
- Phenolic acids
- caffeic acid
- caffeolyquinic acid
- cinnamic acid
- coumaric acid
- ferulic acid
- Flavones
- apigenin
- luteolin
- Flavonols
- quercetin
- kaempferol
- Dihydrostilbenoids
- lunularin
- Phytosterols
- beta-sitosterol
- Furanocoumarins
- bergapten
- psoralen
Source: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=14#nutritionalprofile
Minerals (455g Celery) | ||
nutrient | amount | RDA % |
Boron | 1005.91 mcg | nil |
Calcium | 183.82 mg | 18.2 |
Chloride | nil | nil |
Chromium | 1.365 mcg | 4.55 |
Copper | 0.182 mg | 18.2 |
Fluoride | nil | nil |
Iodine | nil | nil |
Iron | 0.91 mg | 4.55 |
Magnesium | 50.5505 mg | 13.65 |
Manganese | 0.455 mg | 18.2 |
Molybdenum | 22.9775 mcg | 50.05 |
Phosphorus | 110.292 mg | 13.65 |
Potassium | 1194.83 mgt | 27.3 |
Selenium | 1.82 mcg | 4.55 |
Sodium | 367.64 mg | 22.75 |
Zinc | 0.5915 mg | 4.55 |
So what other positives does celery juice have?
The Effect of Celery Juice on the Kidneys
If we are to believe the psuedo-science behind celery juice then celery is considered a kidney tonic and can promote kidney health.
However if you are currently suffering from poor renal health, then you should consult your doctor before consuming this green juice as it is relatively high in sodium which is damaging to the kidneys.
The Effect of Celery Juice on Acne
There are a lot of posts and pictures on instagram praising celery juice for clearing up acne.
The anti-inflammatory and hydrating effects of celery may contribute to clearer skin and result in the “glow” that regular consumers experience.
There’s also a theory that diets low in fruits and vegetables may contribute to the outbreak of acne [4].
Somewhat counter-intuitively however, the same study suggests that spikes in insulin which can result from intake of free sugars may aggravate the effects of those with this skin condition.
If anecdotal evidence is anything to go by, then trying celery juice for acne has amazing results but drinking a pint of water first thing in the morning will most likely do the same!
The Effect of Celery Juice on Sleep & Stress / Anxiety
Celery juice contains a healthy dose of magnesium. This is linked to better sleep patterns and can help relieve broken sleep.
If you’re struggling to sleep or suffer from anxiety and stress then drinking a glass before bed could be just what the doctor ordered.
- Magnesium helps limit the effects of cortisol, often dubbed the “stress hormone” which can contribute to restless nights and difficultly in falling asleep
- It helps muscles relax and can help those with RLS or Willis-Ekbom Syndrome. Especially when in combination with CBD
- Helps keep your mood stable and reduce stress and anxiety
The Celery Juice Cleanse Effect
Molybdenum is an essential active ingredient in celery that helps our bodies in a multitude of ways and contributes to the cleansing effect that consumers experience when drinking celery juice.
Helps Blood Circulation
- Dilating blood vessels
- Regulating cell growth
- Protecting blood vessels from injury
Molybdenum maintains normal nitric oxide levels and helps circulation.
Detoxifies Alcohol & Other Drugs
Molybdenum converts acetaldehyde which is a harmful product of alcohol into acetic acid.
It can also help metabolise pharmaceutical drugs.
May Prevent Tooth Decay
A suprising side-effect of Molybdenum is that is may assist in mineral repair in teeth. The study was conducted on cow’s teeth but has similar applications on human enamel. [5]
The Side Effects of Drinking Celery Juice
Ready to start your celery juice journey?
Make sure you read the potential side effects of this nutritious beverage before taking the plunge as celery isn’t suitable for everyone.
Toxicity – Psoralen
Celery contains the chemical compound Psoralen. Large doses of this chemical may increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight (UVA) and increase your risk of sun related skin damage like dermatitis and photo-aging.
Psoralen is traditionally used in combination with UVA light therapy to treat psoriasis.
If you find yourself sensitive to light exposure then celery juice may not be for you. Those who are very sensitive to psoralen will experience skin irritation upon contact with foods rich in this chemical.
Food Allergen Warning
There are some people who are allergic to celery and the symptoms range from dermatitis, skin inflammation to more severe digestive upset and even respiratory issues and anaphylaxis.
If you are allergic to celery, do not drink celery juice.
High Salt Content
A 16oz (455ml) serving of celery juice contains 367mg of sodium or 917.5mg of salt.
The NHS website recommends adults consume no more than 2.4g sodium or 6g of salt per day.
For those who are consuming 32oz per day, you’re getting just shy of a third (30%) of your sodium intake from this drink.
How Much Celery Juice Should You Drink A Day
A 16oz (455ml) portion of celery contains just 72kcal.

As we’ve mentioned it’s fairly high in sodium and for those on a low salt diet, be careful as a 16oz serving has twice the amount of salt in a McDonald’s small fries.
Don’t let this put you off though, if you’re exercising and have an otherwise healthy lifestyle, celery juice is an excellent source of electrolytes.
So what does celery juice taste like?
Being honest, I find celery juice has a rather salty and unpleasant taste… Akin to wheatgrass or the sensation you get when you smell wet grass.
I like to mix my celery in with other fruits and vegetables and use it as a meal replacement drink rather than drinking it straight but I do endeavour to get a bunch of celery into my diet a few times a week.
One bunch of celery tends to weight about 350-500g or roughly 1lbs and will contain 7-10 ribs.

As celery is 95-97% water you can expect to claim roughly the equivalent weight in ml of juice.
Not to beat a dead horse but “some” recommend drinking up to twice as much.
Increasing your intake up to 24 to 32 ounces a day can be extremely beneficial for anyone suffering with chronic illness or symptoms.
William Anthony
There’s no medical evidence that increasing consumption of celery juice to just shy of a litre is any more beneficial than drinking 16oz, but as far as cheap ingredients go, I find celery produces one of the highest amounts of juice £/ml. So this one is up to you.
When Should You Drink Celery Juice For Maximum Benefit
Celery juice has a lot to live up to.
Apparently it can clear up acne, help digestive issues and a whole host of other amazing feats.
If you subscribe to the holistic school of thought and we are to believe what William Anthony tells us.
The best time to consume celery juice is first thing in the morning at least 15 minute before eating breakfast as it will assist the digestive process of any proceeding solids and offers the maximum healing power on an empty stomach.
William Anthony
A lot of people agree that consumption first thing in the morning is ideal, others prefer to drink celery juice before bed.
So when should we drink celery juice for maximum benefit?
Well the truth is somewhere in between.
A lot of us do not consume enough water throughout the day. This is especially prevalent in the mornings when we’re running around like headless chickens before the school run or rushing to get to work.
It’s also the same before bed. I know I used to stop drinking fluids around dinner time. Or worse still, start on the wine!
The benefit that those who have limited experience in juicing and may have jumped on the #celeryjuice fad are seeing, is most likely one of better hydration rather than “the magic of celery juice”.
Unfortunately correlation is not causation.
Proper consumption of water and better hydration also clears acne, helps digestion and provides similar positive results that those drinking celery juice will see.
So the best time to drink celery juice is?
Whenever you want. Particularly post workout or after sweating to help replace lost fluids and electrolytes. First thing in the morning or right before bed. Anytime is a good time to drink it!
Which leads us to…
How Long Does Celery Juice Last
This depends on how you prepare and store your juice.
I always recommend using a masticating (single auger/slow press) or twin gear juicer.
These spin at low RPM and leave important enzymes intact giving you the most benefit from your juice.
You can expect your celery juice to last 48-72 hours if correctly sealed in an airtight glass mason jar and stored in the fridge.
Centrifugal juicers aren’t quite as good at tackling celery and they do expose the juice to heat and oxygen which is bad news if you’re looking to store your juices.
You can expect your juice to last up to 24 hours when refrigerated.
Some lower quality blenders also struggle with the fibrous nature of celery and you will need to strain the juice after blending as lumpy celery juice is not something I’d want to subject anyone to.
As with the centrifugal juicer I’d recommend no longer than 24 hours in the fridge.
How do I know if my celery juice has gone bad
Incorrect storage or keeping your juice refrigerated for too long results in oxidisation and decomposition of the juice and will turn it a murky brown colour.
If you store your juices in plastic, you may find the that the bottle has pressurised.
Any signs of carbonation or a vinegary taste means that your juice has spoiled!

Here’s a juice that I neglected to store correctly (too much air left in the bottle) and was left it in the fridge for 4 days (don’t judge me)!

Where Can I Buy Celery Juice in the UK
Unfortunately I have yet to come across celery juice in any major supermarket in the UK. If you’re lucky enough to live near a juice bar, they’ll be happy to create this delightful concoction for you.
It’s not available online in its pure form either. There are a few sites that sell celery juice with lemon (for roughly £5 a bottle) or with other fruits and vegetables, but no-one currently sells pure celery juice!
You’ll have to buy a blender or juicer and do it yourself for the time being.
With that being the case…
Which is the Best Juicer for Celery
As previously mentioned, slow press / masticating / single or twin auger juicers are the best juicers overall.
This is particularly true when it comes to fibrous vegetables.
I use the BioChef Quantum juicer and can highly recommend it. If you buy direct from Vitality4Life and use the discount code JUICELAND5 you’ll get 5% off too.

BioChef Quantum Whole Slow Juicer
Use coupon code JUICELAND5 for 5% off when purchasing via Vitality4Life.co.uk
✓ Newest model and sleek, modern design!
✓ Max Rated Power 400 watt induction motor and second generation auger
✓ Dual, wide feed chute (8cm x 8cm) to juice whole fruits and vegetables
✓ Continuous juicing for up to 60 minutes
✓ Dishwasher safe parts for easy clean up
✓ Includes Fine, Extra Fine and Course strainers PLUS Sorbet Strainer
✓ Warranty: Lifetime on Motor & 12 years on Parts (Domestic), 1 year Commercial
If you’re on a budget then we recommend any of the Omega or BioChef brand juicers.
If money is no object then the Angel juicers are by far the best juicers on the market.
We recommend the Sage brand of juicers if you’re dead set on a centrifugal juicer. They’re faster but have their downsides. You can read more on the differences between masticating and centrifugal juicers here.
Celery Juice Recipes
This is as simple as it gets.
Super Simple Celery Juice

Super simple celery recipe!
- 16 oz Celery
Wash your celery thoroughly being sure to remove and debris and dirt from your produce
Chop your celery to suit your juicer, some can handle full stalks while others require it to be cut up into 1-2 inch long strips
Juice and serve!
A 16oz or 455g serving of Celery will make approximately 400ml (+/- 15% depending on your juicer).
This is a personal favourite of mine. The spinach gives the juice a revitalising fresh kick and the apple for that little bit of sweetness!
Celery, Apple & Baby Spinach Juice

Delicious green juice with just a hint of sweetness.
- 385 g Celery (7-8 Ribs of Celery)
- 475 g Apples (4 Apples)
- 50 g Baby Spinach (A Large Handful)
Prepare all your ingredients
Wash your produce taking extra care to remove all pesticides and dirt from your vegetables and fruit
Juice and serve. This juice can be stored for up to 72 hours if sealed in an airtight container and made with a masticating juicer!
This recipe will make approximately 600ml of juice depending on your juicer. As it is high in sugar we recommend a serving size of 200ml rather than 400ml although this is at your discretion 🙂
Heavy on the carrots, light on the fruit. This juice is absolutely packed to the brim with vitamins, minerals and valuable photo nutrients. It tastes amazing too!
Celery, Apple, Carrot & Ginger Juice

This refreshing beverage is packed full of nutrients and makes for a healthy and surprisingly sweet beverage!
- 285 g Celery (5-6 Ribs of Celery)
- 475 g Apples (2 Apples)
- 460 g Carrots (6 Medium Carrots)
- 10 g Ginger (Optional but Delicious!)
Wash all your produce taking extra care to remove any dirt
Cut and prepare your vegetables ready for your juicer
Juice and serve. This juice can be stored for up to 72 hours if sealed in an airtight container and made with a masticating juicer!
This recipe will make between 700-800ml of juice depending on your juicer. As always we recommend masticating juicers over centrifugal for optimum juice production.
Celery Summary & FAQ’s
In summary, is Celery a miracle vegetable? Well, if Instagram is anything to go by, there are hundreds of thousands of converts who believe in the benefits of the green juice.
Will it cure all your problems?
No, but there’s no harm in drinking it — if your diet is less than superb, you’ll probably benefit from the additional hydration and valuable vitamins and minerals. Of course that is unless you’re allergic to it, or suffer from poor renal health.
It’s a low calorie juicing ingredient that some people swear by. I like to add it to my juicing concoctions but I don’t believe there’s any method behind the medical mediums madness. He’s a fantastic self promotor and with the help of Instagram and celebrity endorsements, he’s taken a fairly innocuous vegetable and profited heavily from it.
I think it’s disingenous to claim celery can cure everything from asthma to cancer but there is additional research being done everyday on the benefits of the photo-nutrients and favones contained within this crunch green treat.
Everyone is different and celery juice will benefit those with poor dietary habits and the placebo effect can be very powerful.
If you decide to start adding celery to your juices I wish you good health and happy juicing.
You’ve made it this far? Thank you for reading! I’d love to hear if you’ve made any of our recipes, or if you have any questions please leave us a comment below and please add us on your favourite social media platforms.
Sources: [1] https://www.spandidos-publications.com/ol/17/4/3842 [2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27378243 [3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/25553437/ [4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2836431/ [5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2640940